Search Business Process Modeling Anti-Patterns

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Classification and Analyses of Business Process Anomalies 2009 1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 Invalid use of Start Event, Invalid use of End Event, Invalid use of End Event in Normal Flow, Invalid use of Intermediate Event Trigger Types in Attached Boundary of Activity, Invalid use of Intermediate Event Target, Activities without Activation, Activities without Termination, Invalid use of Receive Task, Invalid use of Data-Base XOR Gateway, Invalid use of Event-Based XOR Gateway, Incoming Sequence Flow with Start Event, Outgoing Sequence Flow with End Event, Incoming Sequence Flow with Intermediate Event in Attached Boundary of Activity, Multiple Outgoing Sequence Flow with Intermediate Event in Attached Boundary of Activity, Invalid use of Conditional Sequence Flow, Invalid use of Message Flow in one Pool, Invalid use of Message Flow with Start Event and Gateway, Invalid use of Pool, Invalid use of Lane, Deterministic Deadlock, Non-Deterministic Deadlock, Deterministic Lack of Synchronization, Non-Deterministic Lack of Synchronization, Dead Activity, Deterministic Infinite Loop, Non-Deterministic Infinite Loop
Learning from Quality Issues of BPMN Models from Industry 2016 1, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 modeling guidelines, industry study, field study Inconsistent connection between sub and main process, Usage of message flows on incorrect nodes, Existence of multi merges, Existence of Deadlocks, Incorrect Syntax, Excessive diagram size, Overlay of edges and nodes, Inconsistent incoming and outgoing behavior, Incorrect modeling direction, Inappropriate spacing, Data objects with no link to glossary, Roles with no link to glossary, Gateways with non-compliant labeling, Activities with non-compliant labeling, Events with non-compliant labeling
A note on BPMN analysis. Towards a taxonomy of selected potential anomalies 2014 1, 2.1 BPMN Incorrect usage of Flow Objects, Incorrect usage of Connecting Object, Incorrect usage of Swimlanes, Invalid use of Start Event, Invalid use of End Event, Activities without activation, Activities without Termination, Invalid use of receive task, Invalid use of Data-Based XOR Gateway, Event-Based XOR Gateway, Incorrect usage of Connecting Object, Invalid use of Pool, Invalid use of Lane, Deadlock, Lack of synchronization, Dead Activity and Infinite Loop
An Empirical Study of Error Patterns in Industrial Business Process Models 2014 1, 2.1, 2.4 industry study, field study, metrics
Analysis of Most Common Process Modelling Mistakes in BPMN Process Models 2008 1, 3.3 BPMN Activities in one pool are not connected, Process does not contain a start event, Process does not contain an end event, Sequence flow crosses process boundary, Sequence flow crosses pool boundary, Gateway receives, evaluates or sends a message, Intermediate events are placed on the edge of the pool, Hanging intermediate events or activities, Each lane in the pool contains start event, Incorrect use of time events, Sequence and message event represent data flow, Event is used as a message flow source, Improper use of flow elements, Starting timer placed instead of intermediate timer, Exception flow is not connected to the exception
Selected Approaches Towards Taxonomy of Business Process Anomalies 2017 1, 2.1, 2.4 BPMN Activity without activation, activity without termination, invalid use of receive task, invalid use of data-based XOR-gateway, event-based XOR-gateway, incorrect usage of connecting object, invalid use of pool, invalid use of lane,
Structural Detection of Deadlocks in Business Process Models 2008 2.1 soundness, deadlock Reachability with absolute transferability, Reachability without absolute transferability, No Reachability
Formal Based Correctness Check for ePASS- IoS 1.1 Process Models with Integrated User Support for Error Correcting 2014 2.1, 2.4, 4.1 subject-oriented modeling, interaction soundness, extended Parallel Activities Specification Scheme for the Internet of Services, deadlock Incomplete sequence flow, Contradicting sequence flow, Not-guaranteed termination Incompatible branching behavior, Impossible data-based decisions, Optional participation, Uni-lateral sequentialization, Mixed choices
A Heuristic Method for Detecting Problems in Business Process Models 2010 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1 Prolog, soundness, deadlock, lack of synchronisation, lack of synchronization, comprehensibility, style
Definition and Detection of Control-flow Anti-Patterns in Process Models 2013 2.1, 2.3, 2.4 control flow, soundness, CAPDL, Control-flow Anti-Pattern Description Language Combination of XOR-Split and AND-Join, Combination of AND-Join and XOR-Split, AND-Join as a loop entrance, AND-Split as a loop exit
Research Report - Process Anti-Patterns: How to Avoid the Common Traps of Business Process Modeling 2007 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.3, 5, 6 control flow, data flow, IBM WebSphere, branching, soundness, deadlock, lack of synchronization, lack of synchronisation Deadlock through Decision-Join Pair, Lack of Synchronization through Fork-Merge Pair, Redundant Branch, Cyclic Deadlock through Join-Fork and Join-Decision Pair, Cyclic Lack of Synchronization through Merge-Fork Pair, Dangling Input, Dangling Output, Multiple Connections between Activities, Passing Shared Data along Several Branches, Passing Unshared Data along Several Branches, Passing the Shared and Unshared Data along Several Branches, Stop Node in Parallel Execution Branches, Data Output upon Termination of a Process
Visualization of Business Process Modeling Anti Patterns 2009 2.1, 2.3, 2.4 BPMN-Q, soundness, control flow (X)OR-split/AND-join Combination, Entry Into a Parallel Control Block, AND-Join as an Entry Into a Loop, AND-Join After (X)OR-Split Does Not Synchronize, AND-split/XOR-join Combination, Infinite Loop,
A Novel Graph Reduction Algorithm to Identify Structural Conflicts 2002 2.1, 2.4 control flow, soundness, deadlock, lack of synchronisation, lack of synchronization
Definition of Deadlock Patterns for Business Processes Workflow Models 1999 2.1 control flow, deadlock, soundness Work item outflow deadlock, Loop deadlock, Multiple source deadlock
Specification and Detection of Business Process Antipatterns 2015 2.1, 2.4, 3.3, 5 Service Oriented Detection for Antipatterns in Business Processes, SODA-BP Cyclic Deadlock through Join-Fork and Join-Decision Pair, Cyclic Lack of Synchronisation through Merge-Fork Pair, Dangling Inputs and Outputs, Deadlock Through Decision-Join Pair, Lack of Synchronisation through Fork-Merge Pair, Missing Data, Multiple Connections between Activities, assing Shared Data along Several Branches
Specification of behavioral anti-patterns for the verification of block-structured collaborative business processes 2016a 2.1, 2.4 collaborative business process, cross-organizational collaboration
Ontology-Based Heuristics for Process Behavior: Formalizing False Positive Scenarios. 2016 2.1, 2.4, 4.1 control flow, sondness, ontology, SWRL, SPARQL Deadlock in sequence, Deadlock in cycle, Deadlock in parallel paths, Deadlock in paths with multiple instancesDeadlock in exception management
On Avoiding Erroneous Synchronization in BPMN Processes 2017 2.3, 2.4 synchronization, synchronisation, concurrency, unsafeness, check-in, check-out
Business Process Architecture: Use and Correctness 2012 2.3, 4.1 business process architecture, contract Loop, Dead Event, Self Messaging, Trigger Loop, Lost Flows, Multi-cast
An Analysis and Taxonomy of Unstructured Workflows 2005 2.4 control flow, soundness, quasi-equivalence improper nesting, mismatched pairs
Towards Ontology-Based Anti-patterns for the Verification of Business Process Behavior 2016c 2.5 control flow, soundness, ontology, SWRL
The generic model query language GMQL - Conceptual specification, implementation, and runtime evaluation 2015 3.1, 7.1
Supporting Business Process Improvement through Business Process Weakness Pattern Collections 2015 3.1, 5, 7.1, 7.4 process optimization, process improvement, Picture, process building block, process flow, information handling Decision without impact, redundant activities, redundant data management, edit document after copying it, check or examination after dispatch or digitalization, information digitalized twice differently, printout sent for signature, excessive printing, inappropriate transmission medium, digitalization after printing, IT and paper based archiving, printing from CD, printing for checking or editing, calculation performed manually, digitally available information exchanged personally, data transferred manually, information exchanged via fax, Varying Communication Channels, Multiple Different Negotiation, distributed responsibilities, unclear activity responsibility, distributed data responsibilities, excessive information exchange
Detecting Common Errors in Event-Driven Process Chains by Label Analysis 2010 3.1 label, terminological structure, linguistic analysis, language, NLP Identical Events Before a Join, Identical Events After a Split, Identical Start Events Precede Same Join, Identical End Events Follow Same Split, Contradicting Events at an AND/OR-Connector, Contradicting Start Events Precede Same AND/OR-Join, Contradicting End Events Follow Same AND/OR-Split, XOR Connector Preceded or Followed by Events A, ¬A and B, Comparison Between Two Values Does not Include the Case "Equality", AND- or OR-Split After a yes/no-Question, Tertium non datur
Indicators for Open Issues in Business Process Models 2016 3.1, 6, 7.1 label, terminological structure, linguistic analysis, language, NLP Optionality, Or, Useless Test, Missing Negativ Case, Unclear Responsibility, Forgotten Edge Case, Unseparated "Yes"/"No", Contradiction, Double Activity, Missing Automation, Do/Undo, And, Vague Verb, Vague Criteria
Ensuring the canonicity of process models 2017 3.1 label, terminological structure, linguistic analysis, language, NLP, canonicity Sequence, Parallel, Decision, Skip, Iteration, Extra Specification, Time Exception, Implicit Action, Implicit Decision
When Language Meets Language: Anti Patterns Resulting from Mixing Natural and Modeling Language 2015 3.1 label, terminological structure, linguistic analysis, language, NLP, canonicity Logical Extra Information, Iteration, Skip, If Evaluation, Wrong Label Class, Multiple Activities, Decision, Content-based Extra Information, Temporal Extra Information
Automatic Identification of Structural Process Weaknesses – Experiences with Semantic Business Process Modeling in the Financial Sector 2011 3.3, 7.2 process optimization, process improvement, banking, finance, structural weakness, Semantic Business Process Modeling Language, SBPML, key indicator
Good and Bad Excuses for Unstructured Business Process Models 2007 3.3, 7.1 soundness, structuredness Straight Road with Exits, All Or Nothing, Partial Redo
Reducing the Cognitive Complexity of Business Process Models 2009 3.3 understandability, cognitive complexity, mental load Unnecessary OR-Gateways, Empty Sequence Flow, useless empty flow, useless element
Structured Collaborative Workflow Design 2008 3.3, 7.1 collaborative workflow design, BPEL, Business Process Execution Language Similar Functionality Distinct Complexity, Flow Links Sequence, Too Many Assigns, Unnecessary Nesting, Unexploited Potential Parallelism, Similar Functionality Distinct Parallelism, Too Much Computation
Automatic identification of structural process weaknesses in flow chart diagrams 2011 3.3 banking, finance, fraud, indicator, metrics 4-eyes-principle
Diagnosing and Repairing Data Anomalies in Process Models 2010 5 data flow, data object Too Restrictive Preconditions, Implicit Routing, Implicit Constraints on the Execution Order
Detection of Anti-Patterns in the Control Flow of Collaborative Business Processes. 2015 4.1 control flow, soundness, deadlock, UP-ColBPIP Deadlock in a Sequence, Deadlock in a Cycle, Deadlock in Parallel Paths, Deadlock in Mutually Exclusive Paths, Deadlock in Paths with Multiple Instances,
Data Journey Modelling: Predicting Risk for IT Developments 2016 5, 7.1, 7.4 data movement, data journey change of media, context discontinuity, Actors' Properties, Intermediary Flow, Dependent Target, Missing flow, Ephemeral flow, Data Movement
Data Flow and Validation in Workflow Modelling 2004 5 data flow, data validation Redundant Data, Lost Data, Missing Data, Mismatched Data, Inconsistent Data, Misdirected Data, Insufficient data, Implicit data flow through control flow, Implicit data flow through process data store
Data-Flow Anti-patterns: Discovering Data-Flow Errors in Workflows 2009 5 data flow, data validation, Petri-net Missing Data, Strongly Redundant Data, Weakly Redundant Data, Strongly Lost Data, Weakly Lost Data, Inconsistent Data, Never destroyed, Twice destroyed, Note Deleted on Time
Detecting Data-Flow Errors in BPMN 2.0 2014 5 data flow Missing Data, Missing Optional Data, Strongly Redundant Data, Weakly Redundant Data, Redundant Optional Data, Strongly Lost Data, Weakly Lost Data, Lost Optional Data, Optionally Lost Data, Inconsistent Data
Detecting Conflicts Between Data-Minimization and Security Requirements in Business Process Models 2018 5, 7.1 data minimization, privacy, security
Anomalies in Rule-Adapted Workflows - A Taxonomy and Solutions for vBPMN 2012 6 vBPMN, flexibility, variability, event-aware workflows, conditions, rules, decision table, redundancy Unnecessary Control-flow, Modeling Redundancy, Undefined Gateway Conditions, Contradictive Gateway Conditions, Lack Of Synchronization, Flow Deadlock, Flow Livelock, Missing Loop Tolerance, Inconsistent Change Of Past, Redundant Rules, Subsumed Rules, Direct Contradiction, Contradiction in Input, Contradiction in Conclusion, Rule-base Livelock, Rule-base Deadlock, circular rules, Isolated Rule, Useless Conclusions, Missing Rule, Dangling Condition, Dangling States, No Tolerance to Change of Order, Inconsistencies When Inserting Parallel Branches, Redundant Data, Lost Data, Missing Data
Pattern-Based Semi-Automatic Analysis of Weaknesses in Semantic Business Process Models in the Banking Sector 2010 7.1 process optimization, process improvement, banking, financeSBPML, semantic business process modeling language, media disruption, media break, information deficit, manual activities with automatization potential
An Empirical Assessment of the Usefulness of Weakness Patterns in Business Process Redesign 2012 7.1 process optimization, process improvement, business process redesign, Picture, process building block Document request causing consulting need, Verification causing document request, Non-productive activity, Inquiry, Manual calculation, Document creation without special information system, Internal communication, Problematic access to legal information, Non-electronic fax, Manual data transfer
Detecting potential weaknesses in business processes: An exploration of semantic pattern matching in process models 2015 7.1 process optimization, process improvement, banking, finance, Semantic Business Process Modeling Language, SBPML, generic model query language, GMQL Information deficit, Change of medium, Automation potential, Organizational barrier
Modeling and Analysis of Business Process Compliance 2011 7.2 compliance, governance, banking, finance, Semantic Business Process Modeling Language, SBPML separation of duties, four-eyes-principle, checks, effect sequencing
Towards Supporting Business Process Compliance Checking with Compliance Pattern Catalogues - A Financial Industry Case Study 2015 7.2 compliance, governance, banking, finance 4-Eye-Principle, 4-Eyes-Principle, Identification-transaction, recurring check, agreement, settlement, confirmation, dunning, credit decision
Automatic Identification of Structural Process Weaknesses – Experiences with Semantic Business Process Modeling in the Financial Sector 2011 7.2
Sustainability Patterns for the Improvement of IT-Related Business Processes with Regard to Ecological Goals 2016 7.3 ecology, sustainability, green GPM
A method for Ecological process optimization, process improvement based on Compliance Checking 2018 7.3 ecology, sustainability, green GPM
Definition of Deadlock Patterns for Business Processes Workflow Models 1999 2.1 soundness, deadlock, reachability, transferability work item outflow, loop deadlock, multiple source deadlock
Refactoring BPMN Models: From 'Bad Smells' to Best Practices and Patterns 1999 2.1 BPMN Noun based activity name, Gateway named as activity, Words and/or in activity name, Long activity name, Multiple incoming/outgoing sequence flows, Event-based gateway with outgoing sequence flow unconnected to event, Gateway unsynchronized with preceding subprocess ends, Event outside and inside process, Repeating events, Loop marker on a single iteration task dealing with multiple data objects, Activities dealing with multiple data objects followed by an activi- ties dealing with a single data object without loop, poor diagram layout
Anti-Patterns for Process Modeling Problems: An analysis of BPMN 2.0-based tools behavior 2019 1 BPMN Activities in one pool are not connected, The event does not contain an end event, Sequence flow crosses sub-process boundary, Sequence flow crosses pool boundary, Gateway receives, evaluates and sends a message, Intermediate events are placed on the edge of the pool, Hanging intermediate events or activities in the process model, Each swimlane in the pool contains start event, Exception flow is not connected to the exception, Message flow misuse across swimlanes.